The Email Marketing and Notifications Evolution Inside Companies. “Stop sending emails like a marketer. Start sending email like a personal assistant.” (more)

Karl Schroeder: Book Review: The Nexus. We’re still mired in bureaucracies designed in the 19th century, our managerial initiatives solve for problems that are not actually the problems that matter, and collectively we’re fighting the last war instead of the current one. We know we need to decarbonize completely within the next decade, for instance, yet CO2 emissions are going up, not down. How can you earn optimism in the face of an insanely complex polycrisis? The thesis of The Nexus, by Julio Mario Ottino, dean of the McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Science at Northwestern University, and Bruce Mau, designer and artist, is that we are at a critical moment when imagination is absolutely critical for solving our biggest problems, and has simultaneously reached its nadir as a social practice. (more)

Karl Schroeder: Doomscroller vs. Windtunneler? About twenty years ago, the Canadian army hired me to write them a short science fiction novel, and I made a discovery I think you might find useful. (more)

Karl Schroeder: The Science Fiction of the 1900s. I grew up during the cold war and I remember sitting around with friends in high school talking about what we would each do in the 10 to 20 minutes we’d have left after the nuclear attack sirens went off. (more)

Karl Schroeder: Who Paints the Dew on the Daisy? I talked about space settlement (space migration) in my last couple of posts; but this is not a newsletter about that. Space was just an example to illustrate an approach to thinking about complex problems—and a prototype for designing a purely 21st century science fiction. (more)

John Cutler: TBM 255: The New Airbnb (Lenny's Podcast) w/Melissa Perri. You've probably already listened to (or are about to listen to) Lenny's Podcast with Brian Chesky. (2023-11-14-BrianCheskysNewPlaybook) (more)

a lean/agile approach to UX design; specifically a book by Josh Seiden and Jeff Gothelf, ISBN:1449311652

process of testing your product's usability with actual ideal customers

kinda like a pattern language for an individual organization's web design (or other design) efforts - an attempt to let individual teams/designers work independently without getting an inconsistent mess. (more)


CascadingStyleSheets (more)

Joe Kraus: If You Don't Think You Need It, You Haven't Seen Greatness. One thing I can hear with some regularity from a small founding team is something like “we don’t think we need a marketing person” or “we’re not going to hire a product manager”. Those aren’t the only positions I hear that statement for. I hear it for PR, marketing, HR and sometimes BD. (more)

W Edwards Deming: I should estimate that in my experience most troubles and most possibilities for improvement add up to the proportions something like this: 94% belongs to the system (responsibility of management), 6% special (individual/blame/credit). (from Out of the Crisis) (more)

a W Edwards Deming experiment/demonstration of the Deming 94% (more)

Broke down and made some geek purchases on Amazon Prime Day: (more)

Celine: Communication is possible only between equals. (power) (more)


This is the publicly-readable WikiLog Digital Garden (20k pages, starting from 2002) of Bill Seitz (a Product Manager and CTO). (You can get your own pair of garden/note-taking spaces from FluxGarden.)

My Calling: Reality Hacking to accelerate Evolution by increasing Freedom, Agency, and Leverage of Free Agents and smaller groups (SmallWorld) via D And D of Thinking Tools (software and Games To Play).

See Intro Page for space-related goals, status, etc.; or Wiki Node for more terse summary info.

Beware the War On The Net!



My Coding for fun.


Agile Product Development, Product Management from MVP to Product-Market Fit, Adding Product To Your Startup Team, Agility, Context, and Team Agency, (2022-10-12) Accidental Learnings of a Journeyman Product Manager

My Coding

Big Levers, Theory of Change, Change the World, (2020-06-27) Ways To Nudge Future; Network Enlightenment, Optimistic Near Future Vision; Huge Invention; Alternatives To A College Degree; Credit Crisis 2008; Economic Transition; Network Economy; Making A Living; Varieties Of Info Technology Jobs; Generative Schooling; Product Oriented Unschooling; Reality Hacker; A 20th Century Economic Theory

FluxGarden; Network Enlightenment Ecosystem; ThinkingTools Interaction as Medium; Hypermedia Pattern Language; Everyone Needs Their Own ThinkingSpace; Digital Garden; Virtual ThinkingSpace; Thinking Tools Companies; Webs Of Thinkers And Thoughts; My CollaborationWare History; Wiki Proliferation; Portal Collaboration Roadmap; Wiki For GroupWare, Overlapping Scopes Of Collaboration, Email Discussion Beside Wiki, Wiki For CollaborationWare, Collaboration Roadmap; Sister Sites; Wiki Hack

Personal Cloud; 2018-11-29-NextOpenInfrastructure, 2018-11-15-BooksVsTweets; Stream/Flow Vs Garden/Stock

Social Warrens; Culture War; 2017-02-15-MindmapCultureWarSocialMediaEconomy; Cultural Pluralism

Fractally Generative Pattern Language, Small Tribe, SimplestThing, Becoming A Reality Hacker, Less-Bullshit Living, The Craft; Games To Play; Evolution, Hack Your Life With A Private Wiki Notebook, Getting Things Done, And Other Systems

Digital Therapeutics, (2021-05-26) Pondering a Mental Health space, CoachBot; Inside-Out Markov Chain

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